To Ms. Hassenplug's class,
No kind act goes unnoticed. The kindness you passed forward to my Multiply Disabled class through the gift of books was extremely generous. My students enjoy hearing stories daily and derive much pleasure from books that are read. We were fortunate to receive four new books for our personal library from your gift. One particular book chosen will always remind us of your kindness. It is entitled Have You Filled a Bucket Today? It states that we all carry invisible buckets and others can choose to either fill or empty them. The book helps teach the importance of filling buckets by doing good deeds, lifting others up, not tearing them down or depleting their joy by hurting them. You all chose to fill our buckets with goodness, kindness and generosity. We truly appreciate this. May you continue to think of others and reap the joy that comes from giving. Fondly, Mrs. Jeanne Heinke and the staff and students from the HPRHS Multiply Disabled class.