Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2008!

I hope you all had a restful and relaxing break. Time to get back to work, though. I hope you have been enjoying reading and analyzing your magazine cover to cover. I hope you are seeing that there's far more there than you ever thought. Project due Friday.

We have 2 1/2 weeks before mid-terms. Barring snow days, here's the plan:

We will spend the short week (1/2-1/4) working with different types of visual texts: ads, cartoons, bumper stickers...

Then it's on to logical fallacies and other persuasive devices for a week (1/7-1/11).

The following week (1/14-1/18) will be a crash course in multiple choice AP style. See me if you want some practice before then.

POWs: January 9: Period 6; January 16: Period 2
All POWs are to analyze a visual text of some sort.

The two hour exam will have one synthesis essay (1 hour) and one full section of multiple choice (1 hour).

Enjoy your final hours of vacation!

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