Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is it!

Congratulations to Chris for receiving the English award. I'm sure we all have our Chris stories that illustrate his incredible passion for literature and for writing. Keep your eye out for his first novel one of these days! And I'm confident he won't be the only one. So many of you have such talent and such drive that I can't wait to see "what becomes of you." Please keep in touch. Keep blogging. You are forever linked to this page, so I hope to be able to read your prose and poetry for years to come. Happy Graduation!

One more thing...The Teach and her wonderfully generous gift. Most of you know we have decided to purchase exciting books for Mrs. Heinke's autistic class and Mrs. Smith's MCI (Multiply Cognitive Impaired) class. Mrs. Fenlon will add book plates to the front recognizing your gift to these and future students who have difficulty reading but love stories as much as you do. I'm proud of your generosity and, of course, so grateful to The Teach for this kind gift. Please send her a note of thanks when you have a moment of peace after these busy few weeks. Her blog is linked on the left.

Be sure to thank those who have done so much for you. And be proud of yourselves for your hard work and commitment not just to academics but to becoming well-rounded "citizen rhetors." The world awaits!

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